UNITAR/UNOSAT, EC JRC and the World Bank have
coordinated our building damage analyses in support of the Post Disaster
Needs Assessment (PDNA) in Haiti and produced a joint building damage atlas
set for affected cities/places.
Following the 12 January earthquake, the
Government of Haiti has led the emergency relief operation with support
from the international community. The PDNA process is led by the Government
with technical support and facilitation provided by the United Nations
(UN), the Inter\American Development Bank (IADB), The World Bank (WB)
and the European Commission (EC).
Swisstopo and the Remote Sensing Laboratories
(RSL) at the University of Zurich provided extensive pre-crisis building
data in direct technical support of UNITAR/UNOSAT. The World Bank has worked
with a network of volunteer collaborators, GEO CAN (Global Earth Observation
C Catastrophe Assessment Network), and with ImageCat, Inc. to produce
its damage assessment. EC JRCs work is supported by the Stability Instrument.
Initial reference data were received from collaborative centers including
Sertit/Space Charter and other supporting entities (ITHACA, DLR, OSM).
This analysis is currently being validated in the field during PDNA activities
by UNITAR/UNOSAT, EC JRC and the World Bank in close collaboration with
the Centre National de l'Information Go Spatiale (CNIGS) to ensure efficient
geo-spatial analysis support to the Government of Haiti.
For each main city listed below a separate
atlas is produced. This includes an overview map of the atlas sheets, as
well as individual sheets at a scale of 1:2,500 for A3 size hardcopy printouts.
Atlases of areas in italics below will be added to updated versions of
this series in the coming days. An atlas introduction document is also
Source: European Commission - Joint Research Centre, UNOSAT, World Bank
Country: Haiti